Applications Open for 2025

Non-Profit Groups

We welcome non-profit community groups to come to the market and tell their stories (with the exception of groups promoting political or religious activities). We offer two free spaces for non-profit groups each market and a maximum of two markets per year for a non-profit organization (or more at the discretion of the Market Manager depending on space availability). Table space must be booked in advance. There is no membership fee for non-profit groups offering information only (this is a non-voting membership).

Community Businesses

We welcome locally-owned and operated businesses to come to the market to display what they offer to the community; however, sales are not permitted. We set aside at least one market booth space for a local business at each market (a maximum of two markets per year for a given business, or more at the Manager’s discretion if space is available). Table space must be booked in advance. There is no membership fee for businesses offering information only (this is a non-voting membership); however, there is a weekly booth fee of $50.